Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

St. Thomas More Meets the Village of Esquias

The group has arrived - just a little tired, but excited to begin their missione project. Supper is going to be served shortly. The group is getting introduced to the dorms and making their beds. For supper we're having rice, beans, watermelon, tortillas, and small bits of beef. Mary will blog more about their adventures later this evening. I'm sure she'll have lots to tell you.
~ Carolyn Bickford


  1. So happy to hear the group and all the bags have arrived safely!! I'm sure the beds will feel great. WE are excited for this wonderful opportunity for Jordan and everyone else. Jordan your kitty is already looking for you so I'm sure she will be getting to know the rest of us very well by the time you come back. Love you lots.
    Thank you for keeping us informed and in the loop.

    1. So very thankful that all of you have arrived safely! Am sure you are all very tired, but looking forward to all that is yet ahead of you. Will keep all of you in mind as I say the Divine Mercy prayer thanksgiving for your safe travels and as an offering that your work will serve as a gift of self for Christ- for both you and those you see and serve in the days ahead. Love to all! (already miss your talking Cacky!) Theresa G.

  2. All of us back home will rest easier tonight knowing you have arrived safley. The communication from this group has been amazing...thank you for that! Looking forward to hearing about your day tomorow. Sending many prayers and much love to all of you...Love you Jo!
