Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Our Mission Continues

Today our groups were split into three. Dave's group went back to work on the sheds. They believe they have to finish only one shed and then paint them all. Kevin's and Stu's group returned to the Cornelius' house. They installed carpet in one bedroom and half the family room. They also tore the roof off the shed in preparation for a new one. Linda's, Fr. Ries's, and my group drove to Home Depot to start our day. We picked up some power screw drives, two pick-axes, and a chain saw. Before going to our job site, Kelly took us to Ms. Washington's house. That's where we'll be working on Monday, so I'll save all that information for then. I'm sure it's a story you'd like to hear in its entirety. We headed back to work on leaves, branch trimming, etc. Some of the guys went to work with the chain saw; others carried chunks of wood to the dumpster out front. The rest of us finished raking the leaves and pulling out the volunteer trees. The guys also finished all the trimming that was needed along the fence, cutting off any trees pushing against the fence. I even tried my hand with an ax, chapping up a good section of a large tree branch. As we ate our lunch, we were horrified to hear a loud clap of thunder. We jammed our sandwiches into our mouths and rushed to complete our job. The weather, however, did not cooperate. We stored the tools in the shed and sought shelter, hoping to wait out the rain. Eventually, Kelly suggested she take us on a little historic tour around Holly Springs and then return to the compound. (That Kelly is just full of interesting information.) The other groups came back much later than we because they didn't have rain in Walls. I guess we'll do our best to finish on Monday. According to the forecasts we're seeing, we should have sunny days for the remainder of our work days.

Our special treat tonight was pork chops, which Janet had marinated and Dave, Stu, and Kevin grilled. Janet also made cheesy potatoes. Sr. Margaret Sue dropped by to thank our group for the work at her school and left a strawberry dessert for us. YUM! Everyone is eating so well that the snacks are barely going down. Janet had made a Stations of the Cross presentation, so we participated in that service at 8 and had junta right after. 

Dee Dee Cornelius welcomes the crew who check out the home repair progress to date

Everyone is ready for a little tourist day in Memphis tomorrow. After 10 a.m. Mass at Christ the King Church, we're heading for the museum. We'll then walk to the Peabody Hotel to see the ducks marching through the lobby, a major tourist attraction, I guess. Eventually we plan to be at BB King's restaurant so we can enjoy some Mississippi barbeque and music. I have a feeling we will also do a little shopping. Kelly might be joining us, which would be great, since she is such a treasure trove of information

Stu and Billy install the pad

Andrew Lipp
Mission Mississippi has been a good experience so far. It hasn’t been that motivating to me so far, but I am hoping to feel a spark soon. It is more difficult because we aren’t working side by side with the people, or at least I haven’t yet. It still has been a good time with the group though, getting to know everyone a lot better. I also haven’t felt homesickness yet. Our mission group has been like a family to me. I’m healthy, happy, and looking forward to the upcoming days. I do fill a little dirty though, but I think I can overcome this. Thank you Mom, Dad, Marisa, and Krista for supporting us. Especially Rachelle for sending us that lovely picture of yourself! See you all soon!

Fr. Ries
We finally arrived in Mississippi, and we have had beautiful weather, rain, rain and more rain.  We have done a lot of digging with our group and praying. We are the holiest group around.  We have Janet doing cooking and music for Mass - yesterday she had to decide cooking or singing; she chose cooking to keep everyone happy.  Yesterday at noon, we were forced by Kelly, who is a good Baptist lady, to eat meat pizza, otherwise she was going to throw it out. So we had to call upon the Holy Spirit in which we then had another theological moment in which we had the Lord change that meat to fish.  That was the best fish pizza we ever had.

Jacob Begnoche
Hey guys, skink whisperer here. Things have been going pretty well so far. It was a little slow at first, but now that we are getting the hang of things it’s going a lot smoother. The weather hasn’t been as warm as we were all hoping, but it’s better than Iowa. Sleeping on a cot isn’t as good as the couch back home. I’ve been enjoying the chess, Chinese checkers, and conversing with my fellow peeps to pass the time. The food’s been great so far, and I’m really looking forward to the pork chops tonight! If I think of any other good stuff to tell you, I’ll blog again soon. By the way, anyone find my wallet yet? Love you guys.

P.S. Hey Joe, I’m expecting all of my laundry to be put away when I get home, and Emma, that is a very interesting story that you told me. Bye!

Derek Probst:
Hmmm, what to write, what to write… Well, basically I’m having a good time down here in Mississippi. It is cool to be able to know that I am doing some good in the world. Since we aren’t really working with the people, I sort of wish that I could see how my actions are affecting people instead of just knowing that what I’m doing was helping people but maybe that will come later. Oh we can’t use any water in the guys’ area today because it is “blocked,” but I’m pretty sure Mrs. Bickford just said that so that it is more suffering for us like it would have been in Honduras. Um, despite the fact that it is warmer here and we’re pretty busy, I do miss the Iowa, and I guess I sorta might a little tiny bit or maybe a bit more than a little bit or who knows, a lotta bit miss some of the people that might possibly be in Le Mars like maybe my family or Nicholle, but those are just possible examples… So ya, that’s my blog for tonight. Thanks for reading, bye y’all (that’s my Southern accent).

Elizabeth Bates:
I am having a very fun time down here in Mississippi so far. The last two days it has been kind of rainy and muddy outside, but we are still having fun. Today on our job site we found a frog and Maggie was freaking out (but just a little J). To the web design class “What do you think you are doing eating cookies!!!” haha. Yesterday we played a very very physical game of basketball in the driveway. It was a lot of fun. Tomorrow we are going to Memphis and going to the Civil Rights Museum. Well, I have to go now the living room is being rearranged for dinner so see y’all later. Oh ya by the way hi Mom, Dad, and RubyJ. Bye-bye

Ryan Bates:
I am having a very exciting time down here in Mississippi. I am truly learning a lot while I am down here too. Although Saturday we got wet and Thursday night we got rained out ,we spent the day Friday cleaning the Garden Café. We will hopefully finish the work we are doing in the Garden Café sometime early next week. I also want to tell everyone back home that I am doing well and that I only have one little boo-boo while playing basketball Friday night, but other than that I am doing well.

Maggie writes in her junta booklet

Angel carries away the rotten shed door


  1. Pork chops, cheesy potatoes and strawberry desert, BB Kings and Southern Bar-B-Q doesn't sound like missionary food to me. A good helping of Grits would give ya-all a moving moment. Glad your eating better than at home and Mickie likes to make a great cheesecake but motivating her to do it is about impossible. Take care.

  2. Andrew:
    Good Morning! Sounds like all is going well, except perhaps you need a shower. Donna and I survived our trip to Ankeny..only got lost 3 or so times...perhaps I need more training on the GPS! The 7th grade girls didn't come home state champions but got alot of experience and exercise...about 14 games in all! I think they all had fun! Enjoy Memphis...and don't forget to take some picture. Miss you. Love, Mom

  3. Hey Jacob!
    Mom and Emma here~
    Hopefully the weather will cooperate with your mission. We got a light dusting of snow last night- I think the robins have been snowed on three times now-- Spring?
    Dad found your wallet at 5:oo a.m. the day you left(he could not sleep) ---in the same pair of pants you told me that it wasn't in:), in the laundry room. Tsk Tsk!
    Now with Joe back at college the house is really empty feeling. A big "hole" in the house. Not really liking that feeling at all. I think he was glad he was relieved of laundry duty yesterday so he could spend time with Kendall. He did not want to go back yet- the week went too fast for him and for us too.
    Emma seems to be adjusting to our world:) She just takes it all in, then she falls asleep:)
    Have a super day today. Get some sleep. Work hard. Make a difference. Enjoy those around you. Most importantly Thank God!
    We are so very proud of you! We love you and miss you very much!!!
    Mom & Emma Dad, Chris, Madeline David & Sarah

  4. My dearest little sister Abbs,
    I meant to comment earlier but I didn't realize that I needed to sign in before I commented. I just wanted to let you know that I'm so proud of you. You have no idea how many lives you are about change. Take it all in because it goes by fast!

    My "Frek This" moment of the week was from the other day. I locked my keys in my car (go figure) so Andrew broke into my car to get the keys. When he broke in the alarm went off and I forgot that my key to shut off the alarm was at my apt. So Sarah and I had to drive from Madrid to Ames (20 min drive) with my alarm going off. People first would smile and wave but after it kept honking at them they would start giving us this weird look. We also saw two cop cars on our drive. The cops just looked at us like we were stealing the car. One girl was running and stopped to just stare at us. Needless to say it was quite embarrassing. Well I hope you enjoy your day and always remember that I love you little duck!

    Your amazing big sister, Katie

    P.S- I would stick to your "dinosaur dance" rather than your "ant dance." :)

  5. Ps- im going to a movie with your family tonight. I promise not to catch the crazies. Pray for me just in case though :) miss you. bye

  6. Jacob,

    Hope you had a good day sight seeing today. Make a great day tomorrow. Dad

  7. Ryan what was you boo-boo you got from playing basketball? Elizabeth who won the game? Hope you both had a good day today. Dad & I are busy with the kitchen & family room. Hopefully both rooms will be painted by the time you get home. Miss you lots - the house is way to empty without you. I am counting the days until you are home. Oh by the way - guess what - it is snowing again - go figure!!!

    Love Mom
