Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Celebrating in San Luis

Rachelle, Ali, Mike, Sr. Juanita, and Carolyn split from the group this morning to attend a major celebration in San Luis, another of Fr. Bonilla’s parishes. We traveled to San Luis via mototaxi. I regret not taking a video of Mike trying to fold himself into the taxi, which had metal doors like carnival rides and a tarp for a roof. Our group of 8 (Tacha, Sylvia, and Noelia – our cooks were with us) squished in for the 20-minute ride.

According to the girls, the celebration began with pre-game (or pre-Mass) at 9. We experienced lots of singing, accompanied with actions. The first song alone lasted 20 minutes or more. The whole celebration was to dedicate the new center that is next to their church. It’s a beautiful center with a kitchen, dining area, salon, beds for 64 or more people, and bathrooms. After more singing and celebrating, all moved to the church to share Mass with the Bishop of Comayagua. (Francis, Richard, Linda, and Carolyn met the bishop this past summer while on the planning mission.) Mass began at approximately 10 – everything in Honduras is approximate – and lasted until 11:40. Fr. Bonilla thanked the bishop at the end of Mass, and also gave a special thank you to our mission group of students working in El Picacho. Our group was specially invited to the celebration, which is why we sent a representative group to the dedication. After Mass it was back to the center for the ribbon cutting and more singing and dancing. Our group dined with the two priests and the bishop. I had a nice conversation with him. He wanted all of us to know how appreciative he and all Hondurans are of the work our youth does in his country. He asked how Seivert was doing and DID remember our summer meeting. He even said that he watched our last PowerPoint and was greatly impressed with it. I presented him with a mission shirt and cross, telling him our director wanted him to have it to represent our relationship and connection with him and Honduras.

Our bus collected us in San Luis on their return trip. The El Picacho group was much dirtier than we, but all of us were hot. The temperature continues to climb so we are taking it very easy this afternoon. After showers, some took a siesta, some went to the park, and some are playing just outside the compound with the youth. Some even visited the local grocery store; well, anyway, the Honduran version of one.

Everyone enjoyed a noon meal of beef, rice with carrots & pataste, and tortillas. Tonight’s meal appears to be Honduran tacos. They mix cabbage and hamburger, put it on a flat hard shell, put fresh tomatoes on top, as well as parmesan cheese. It is one of Linda’s favorites.

Tomorrow starts Holy Week. The procession begins at 8 from the edge of town. Jesus will ride a burro through town to the church while the congregation waves palms and sings during the procession. Then we’ll run for the bus take off for the malnutrition center in Sulaco. I’m excited to see  Virginia’s (Stick Lady’s) house.

Dedication Mass

Trevor's job to keep Frank clean for the day was a success

Water tank base

Joe B. with a little friend


Conor carries Ali's, Mike's, and Rachelle's loads for the day

1 comment:

  1. Ali-
    I am excited to see and hear what you thought of their dancing! Hopefully you took part and learned some new moves! You had better thank Conor for carrying your load at the work site! He looks a little dirty!
