Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Friday, March 23, 2012

From the Internet Tree

Josh and Tony’s BlogJ

                Hola mis amigos! I hope everyone in the states is doing well! Down here, we are having an experience of a life-time. Today marks the 2nd day of hard labor and we have made a lot of progress on the two houses. The first house now has all of its wooden foundation up and we are still working on the siding and tin roof. The other house will begin laying cement throughout their house on Monday. Also, about 10 of us went to some of the houses in the area to deliver bathroom and school supplies. The Hondurans were so appreciative of all the gifts we had for them. The looks on their faces made me realize all the things we take for granted. All of the experiences have made all of us appreciate the things we have.  Tomorrow, we will head to the orphanage and have the opportunity to speak to the children. After tomorrow, we hope to finish the first house and make head-way on the 2nd one. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone when we get back, but this is an unbelievable experience which none of us would trade for anything. Mom, Dad, Audrey, I miss you guys so much! I guess I miss you too, LaikynJ Madeline also has a few shoutouts: Christie, Michelle, JIMZ, Brunkan’s homerun, Megan Mc, soccer team, gras, my parents, I miss my cats etc. ect. (ali)    See ya’ll on Wednesday! Love ya’ll!

                Hola amigos! We are all having a really good time. The progress of the houses is going great. At my house, we are almost done with the foundation and we just need to poor the floor on Monday. We are all hoping to get at least one of the houses done. Today I got a lot of sun. Yesterday I didn’t wear any sunscreen and didn’t get burnt, but today that was the case. I didn’t just get a tan, but I turned really red. Today was the second day of hard work; it is really cool to see the progress of the houses. We are all making a lot of friends down here. It feels good when you are just waking and the kids come up to give you a hug or want you to carry then. They tag along and come work with us, they follow us where ever we go. I miss all of you and my family. We all wish we could stay a little longer. See you all on Wednesday!



  1. Hey Ton...I miss YOU!!!!!! and Abbey!!!! Even though you only miss mom dad and audi :) You guys are amazing! I am so proud of you!!! We love you and hope you are having a great time!!!!!!!!

  2. Madeline we miss you and are so proud of you and the rest of the Heelan group. I hope you are taking lots of pictures! We Love You Dad.
    What an awesome experience all of you seem to be having! It looks like you are making wonderful friends with the kids, maybe if you make friends with the chickens they won't keep you up at night! Grace, Hillary and
    Clint send their love and look forward to hearing all about your journey. I love you, miss you and will be there to greet you when you arrive! Love Mom

  3. Love you Tony and Abbey!!! Sounds like you're having an awesome time...I can't wait to see you on Thursday, I miss you like crazy!!! Stay safe and have fun :)
