Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Final Goodbyes

From Tony myers:

Our last day in Honduras has been one of the most emotional days so far. Everyone seems ready to see their family and friends, but no one wants to let go of the relationships that have been built. All in all, the experience of this mission will never be forgotten by the students, chaperons, and hopefully the Honduran children. The point of the trip was to make a difference and better the lives of the people we met. After being here for a week, I have come to realize the generosity and love of the Honduran people made a difference in the lives of the Heelan participants. During our nightly "junta" last night a question was asked. "Who has gained more from this experience, the giver or the receiver?" Literally, the Honduran families have received more in the sense of material items like clothes, school supplies, and other everyday needs. However, I believe the giver has gained more from this experience. We have learned of the poverty here, the needs these people have, but most importantly, we have learned how everyone deserves to be loved. I have truly learned money cannot buy happiness. Family, friends, and the relationships we build are the most important things we have. We are on our way to the airport to head back to the states! Pray for safe travel and we will see you soon!


  1. I can't wait to hear all of the stories from everyone! :)

  2. Safe travels...can't wait to see you.
