Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

21 Home / Safe and Sound / From R. Seivert

Most know the 3 flights from Houston all arrived late last night. The 8:30  P.M. flight to Omaha was about an hour late but made it. The 11:03 flight to Omaha landed after midnight, but they made it. Corinne and Bailee did not make their connecting flight in Chicago but were met by Corinne's aunt who overnighted them. They left Chicago on the 6:00 A.M. flight and are 10 minutes from landing in Omaha. Their families are at the Omaha airport.
We have a small group coming into Omaha tonight at 8:30 P.M. Their families will be at the airport to get them.
One big request of families - for all those on Thursday's three flights. Please write a comment on this blog if you will be at the airports to get your son or daughter. If you cannot comment please give me a call sometime today. 712-540-3062
If you cannot be at either Omaha or Minneapolis airports I have two vehicles that can return them to LeMars and Sioux City. So please let me know of your plans. No sense in taking vehicles from here if all family will be there to pick them up. Please let me know.                                                                                          One additional item: Many of you left coats, sweaters, etc. on the bus the morning we left Omaha on April 15. I have all of those in my possession. I have no idea which item belongs to whom. So when you all do get home please call me sometime and I can get the correct item to each person.


  1. Mr. Seivert- the Swalve's and Taylor will be at the airport Thursday night.

  2. AJ and i will be at the airport to pick Megan up.

  3. Corinne and Bailee with us in Omaha. Look great, talking a mile a minute about their experiences! Carli Tritz surprised them by borrowing a friend's car and driving over from Creighton.

  4. Dave and Nancy will be in Omaha to get Greg Thursday night and would be happy to bring others home. Greg - Enjoy your last day discovering more of Honduras.

  5. Good Morning, All,
    Heart so full can't explain... Katelyn & Kyle sure tried to explain to us as we were treated to two hours of wonderful stories about an amazing mission trip on our drive home from Omaha. I cannot wait to look at the 400+ pictures and hear the story that goes along with each one. Cos, would that be an excused absence? ! Thank you for Shepherding the team and for claiming their checked items :)
    Just hoping for all the rest to get home soon and safe!! Coordinators & Chaperones, know that the opportunities and experiences you were able to provide to these students was so full of life lessons and one they will always fondly remember.
    Lori & Patrick

  6. We will be at the airport in Minneapolis Thursday night to meet Mary & Matt. My brother and sister-in-law (Dave & Janet) plan to drive their suburban as well. We can take 1 or 2 vehicles as needed. Mr. Seivert - feel free to give my cell # (712)540-7574 to anyone in the Minneapolis group that wants to coordinate traveling together, rides for students etc. Can't wait to hear their stories! Jim

  7. I've let Mr. Seivert know, but I will be driving up to Minneapolis to pick up Joe and Eric Loutsch. Can take 2 more if needed! Thanks so much for everything you all have done to ensure their safe return. See you soon Joe and Eric!

  8. Seiv. We'll be picking Sana up at the airport Thursday night.

  9. Looks like I'll be picking up Joe and Eric Loutsch and Brittney Tegels (spelling?) on Thursday in Minneapolis and we will return Friday morning. Thanks for the offer Brittney to stay at your place! Excited to meet you! :)

  10. Bailee and Corinne,

    Just a note to say I'm sad I did not get to say a proper good-by to you both. I tried to get to your gate in Houston but you were already gone by the time I got through customs. I am glad we pushed you to the front of the plane before you got off. I really enjoyed you both and you were great representatives to your school, families and your country. I will contact you when and if (sure I will) I go back to Honduras. Maybe we can do a reunion tour! God bless! Al
