Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 2

Hola!!! Well we survived the first work day. It all began with an hour drive up into the beautiful Honduran Mountains. Along the way we were surrounded by hillsides of coffee plants. You should see how they grow on the hillsides! We arrived to the village of Vallecillo where we received a rock star welcome. As we exited the bus to the applause and warm hospitality of the school children and their parents, we experienced a culture of love. After we greeted them all with handshakes and smiles we were given directions to our worksite. Much to our surprise we had to get there by foot....2.5 km one way in 99 degree heat. Once we arrived we began to move a HUGE pile of rocks UP hill to the pressa.(dam). It was HARD work and you will be proud to hear there were no complaints at all. You would be amazed that the “old-timers” kept up with the young ones We worked alongside of the villagers, both adults and children.

Tyler, Andy and Connor have amazing strength. They put it to good work mixing cement and hauling bags of dirt up to the worksite. Caitlin has now earned the title of “Super Woman!” Derek can swing a mean pickax. You should have seen him side by side with the villagers clearing a path for us to haul the rock through. Katy and Liam renewed friendships formed last year, carrying rocks, bags of cement, and children.

We are convinced there does come a point when you can’t get a shirt clean. Dan, Bill and Fr. Mark’s shirts were mud once the dirt on their shirts mixed with their sweat.. Dan chose to throw his out…..Bill on the other hand will wear his again tomorrow. Maybe he will not be allowed on the bus!

When we arrived back at the compound our stars of “Guys and Dolls” Andy, Lauran, Michelle, and Connor found a new audience. The children of Esquias were delighted and full of giggles and cheers as they enjoyed the performance. Soon “Old McDonald and the Hokey Pokey” involved all. The children then led all to the park for more fun and games. To be continued…..

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mother. Hope the back is holding up. That looks like some pretty rough terrain! Just wanted to let you know we are thinking and praying for you and everyone else, and we hope you are having a wonderful experience and making lots of new friends.

    Pat, Wendy and Margaret
