Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Toncontin Airport / Message From R. Seivert

Wanted to give everyone another update concerning Sunday and Toncontin Airport. If you used Continental Airlines Flight Status before it should be easy for you to check the weather conditions in Tegucigalpa at the time they are supposed to fly. And remember, the time is to the local airport, thus, they are supposed to fly at 12:00 noon Honduras time ( 1:00 P.M. our time). Follow these directions:
1. in a search engine like Google type in Continental Airlines Flight Status
2. click on Continental Airlines - Flight Status and Information (in blue)
3. in the big box called 'Check Flight Status and Gate Information' type in the flight number 755
4. make sure Sunday is marked as well and then hit Continue - the yellow box
5. on the next page 'Choose a Flight Segment' - click on TGU to IAH Intercontinental
6. on the next page it will give you their flight status and information
7. 3 lines down from the box you will see Weather Conditions - click on TGU
8. then, under the weather report, click on 10 Day Forecast
9. at this point you will see the weather situation for Toncontin
By the way, it does look good for Sunday. I think the rain is helping a great deal.


  1. Dear Bailee--we are off to Grandma's birthday party! Your physical presence will be dearly missed! Wishing everyone safe travels tomorrow. Mother Teresa was known for her giving of her time and talents to ALL people as she asked for others to do the same. She felt deeply being unloved, lonely, forgotten, was the worse form of poverty. I hope you realize how much you all truly gave while being in Honduras. God Bless!

  2. Hey kate- it won't be long now! Hope you are enjoying your final hours! We spent the day working on the yard-know how much you would have loved to help! The weather here is still cold and cloudy. Bring some sunshine with you! We are very proud of you and are looking forward to the experience! Be sure to thank the adults who have planned this and guided your opportunity there. We are grateful parents! See you soon! Miss you baby! Happy Easter to all Crusaders!

  3. AJM, can't wait to see you tomorrow. Have a safe flight! Enjoy the time you still have there. Love ya!

  4. To Linda R. - Wishing you and the mission team safe travels home tomorrow. May all go well - am anxious to hear your stories and to see your photos. Blessings to all on Sunday, the Easter Story is being told all over the world, Christ is Risen indeed!! Easter Blessings to you my friend and may God bless you richly as you have been the hands and feet of Jesus.
