Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Another day in Honduras

Greetings to all from beautiful Honduras. This is Barb reporting in. It’s great to say that my energy level is finally restored enough to write instead of nap! Working alongside the team has been a joy. We conquered the mountain today and have almost completed the trench to the presa. (dam) Our kids are amazing and the “old kids” aren’t doing too bad, either. After our digging, we went to the “Escuela” (school) and delivered bags of school supplies and toys to the beautiful children of Honduras whom we have all grown to love. After touring the school and visiting with the kids, we walked over to the church for our daily Mass with Father Mark. Thanks to OLBH parishioners for sharing him with us. He is a terrific spiritual leader for all of us and an extremely hard worker.

A typical day goes something like this. Adults up at 5:15 with a wake-up call to the students at 5:30. We are served a delicious breakfast at 6:00 followed by morning prayer outside in the courtyard. The bus and green Toyota are loaded at 6:45 and after an hour ride we are handed a shovel or pick axe and off to work. It is a difficult terrain, but the company is great and as you can imagine plenty of laughter! We work 3-4 hours and then head to the village for Mass and a delicious lunch prepared by the women. Then back on the bus and back to compound to clean up, rest, play with the children. We usually eat supper around 5:30-6:00. Evenings include Junta and evening prayer. Rest comes easily.

Bill, Pat, Wendy, Maggie and family, it is a beautiful experience, one I am anxious to share with all. By the way, the coffee is delicious. Love to all.

Father Jim, I owe you whatever for the snake prayer as it seems to be working, for me anyway.

Hi all this is Bill Freidel, I want to start by saying hi to Tracy, Bobby, PJ and any other family checking in. Katy and I love you and miss you and can’t wait to share our experiences with you. To all the other families, it has been a joy getting to know your kids. They are all doing wonderful and have been a joy to be around. The work has been hard, but after a little oil in the morning and loosening up, the older workers are hanging right in there with the kids. Weather has been great. I have not been cold once since we landed in Houston. PJ still no decision on the machete, but we are going to the City of Angels tomorrow, so say a prayer. (lol)

Greetings from the mountains of Honduras! This is Dan Duffy, and I first want to wish my daughter, Mairin, a very happy birthday – and Liam and Caitlin also send their birthday wishes. Karrie, I love you and miss you – and you will be happy to know that I have been swimming in sun screen! Moira, Ciara, Aislinn, Mairin and Declan, we miss you, too, and we have lots of pictures and stories to tell. Brendan, if you check in, please know that we haven’t forgotten you and we hope all is well in DC. To the STM family, you would be very proud of these kids, on so many levels. A mission experience in a third-world country is a test of a young person’s character; and the character of these kids has set a high standard. To the parents, whatever you are doing, keep doing it: It’s working! I have been blessed to get to know your children. Now, three days of hauling rocks and digging ditches and tomorrow: Valley of the Angels. We are all excited!

We had some time in the Huston airport and while browsing I decided to buy a book on Mother Teresa entitled “Where There Is Love There Is God.” Mother Teresa has a powerful saying that I have been praying since I arrived in Honduras whether carrying sand bags, heavy rocks, shoveling or watching our young people share their love of playing with the children with such joy and energy. Plus, they are incredible workers without complaint, so you parents should be very proud of the work your children are doing on behalf of the poor of the world and the handing on the of the Gospel of Christ. Here is the prayer and I encourage you to pray this with me for the rest of our mission trip as we work with, for, and by the families of Vallecillo in helping to bring life giving waters to not only to their homes but their hearts as well. “The fruit of silence is prayer; the fruit of prayer is faith; the fruit faith is love; the fruit of love is service; the fruit of service is peace. “ May true peace reign in our hearts!

Animator of Christ,

Fr. Mark

Hello everyone! This is KFal. Now I’m sure some of you were concerned when you heard your children were going to Honduras with me… but I assure you things are going well! As the other adults mentioned our students have been great and truly acting as the person of Christ to each other and the people we meet. I just got back from the park with the kids and it was great to see everyone relaxing and having fun with the Honduran children. Liam helped a few youngsters dunk. Derek spun many children around until they were dizzy and toppling over. Michelle and the girls did a little Justin Bieber performance for many adoring Honduras children. You will also be happy to hear that Johnny has taught every child he has met how to say, “What’s up dude?” and “You’re the boss.” Now as we walk down the street we are greeted by these words. Things are going well, thanks for your continued prayers!



P.S.- Fr. Jim, the seniors want the lyrics to the “Drunken Sailor Song” that ends “I will find other shores.” Apparently you sang this in class? If you don’t know the song they are talking about ask Garet or Connor M. Thanks in advance.

Hola! This is Mary. OK I’m sure you’ve read this from everyone but this is an amazing adventure!! The hard work we expected but the love of the Honduran people has blown us away. You should see our kids with them…..WOW! Be proud. You are raising wonderful human beings!! I miss all of you at home. I’m not used to traveling without you. I love you all!! We need you’to come down here as a family. You’d love it  Caitlin you be a machine down here with the way you can garden. I’m surprising the guys with my ability to swing a pickax and shovel dirt  Bridget you’d love the kids here. They’d melt your heart!! Conor you’d love the men who are working by our sides. They are hysterical and make we Americans look like wimps! Kevin James…..everybody here carries a machete….I can see you smiling from here. Kevin you would go crazy at the fact that they don’t use any machinery here……no money. They do everything here with a machete, shovel, pickax and hammer…..really quite impressive!! Going shopping tomorrow and will buy goodies for all  To the kids at school maybe I’ll find something to fill the candy jar since it’s been out of commission for 10 days!


  1. This is Mairin and we just got home from my birthday party at the Hofers. Mom was in tears when she saw the picture.Thank you. The picture of all of you was the best birthday present ever. Miss you! God Bless you.
    Love Mairin

  2. It is always exciting to read news of your busy days. Have fun shopping. We miss you and look forward to having you all come home to share with us all about your grace-filled days and nights.

  3. Ethan, you and your fellow pilgrims are the first thing I think of in the morning, and the last thing I think of before falling asleep each day and in between also. It is hard to write this without tears coming to my eyes feeling the pride and admiration for you and the rest in your group. Very simply put, doing good things for people is what its is all about. I just can’t help wondering how changed you will be on your return. Our prayers for your continued strength to get through each day and safety are with you and all the Cavaliers there. Love from your mom. ------Daaadoo

  4. Thanks for the awesome posts! Have a cup of coffee for me, Barb!! God's love and peace continue to be with each of you. Have a great day. Continued prayers, Marcia

  5. Okay, we are missing you so much. At first it seemed pretty easy, but as the days pass, it gets more difficult. Ben especially misses you! Go Figure!

    We continue to pray for all of you. May God continue to work in your lives and the the lives of those you are serving. God is so good and His hand is upon you.

    Enjoy this beautiful day!


    Love, Mom (and the rest of the crazy crew)
