Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Monday, April 18, 2011

Josh's Post

Josh: Today I taught a Honduran how to read tabs. How much this will help him I’m not sure, but I think I started a fire that might lead somewhere. To that end, I’d like to thank my dad for letting me use your bass while I was first learning, then for getting me one for my birthday. And for helping me find opportunities to play. I’ve realized that we’ve never jammed just the two of us, so I think that’s something that needs done J. At any rate, hope this finds you all at least as well as I am, which is pretty good and, as much as a I’m loath to leave this place, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again. Take care.

P.S. it looks like my request to have Kat email Lamb didn't go through so just copy and paste this...

Sorry I didn't get this to you on time. the honduran internet is roughly as reliable as thier sense of puntuality. and I can't send emails from down here, so I'm having my sister send this on from the blog. Yes, I would love the part :) thank you for giving me another opportunity for this. It'll probably be my last show before college, and it'll be a great way to end highschool.

yeah, just copy/paste that. Thanks!
also spell check it for me. ours is in spanish.


  1. Sam - told you so on the spanish! Keep working hard and hope you are enjoying the food. Great picture of Zack and Pete and the kids. Yankees won last night much to dad's dissappointment. Rainy here today and snow/sleet possible tomorrow. Love you M&D

  2. Sounds like you're having fun! We woke up to a treat here in Iowa today!--A bunch of fluffy whtie stuff on the ground :):). Good thing you're in Honduras because I know how cranky that makes you :P. Love you!--Hillary

  3. Sam---Sturge told you too on the Spanish! But keep up the great acts of kindness you are doing in Honduras!

  4. My little 'teeter-bug'...i am so happy you werer given the opportunity to show some of what you have learned in the Catholic schools with those less fortunate. We all went to Palm Sunday Mass, even Bob, Deanne, Kate & Jack & prayed for all of you on your journey & thought about you all celebrating in a different country. The experience must be awesome. You have so much love in your heart & have always had a soft spot for kids. You are so good with kids & the elderly, truly a gift. Keep the faith. "I love you 25, " as you used to say to me. To all missioners, keep up the great work, you are all a blessing from God!

  5. Josh- Congratulations on getting the role :) im amazed that you taught someone how to play tab. It makes me happy and made me cry that you would take the time to do that:) love you and miss you
