Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good-Bye Honduras

Today was our final day in Vallecillo. It gave theTeguc group a hance to do some digging. We had a nice fare well with the villagers. Then all were invited to mass to celebrate Easter. Most of the students changed their clothes so they could give their new friends their own shoes and clothes. It was hard to say good-bye to our new friends.

The afternoon was spent at the park in Esquias. Fortunately for the other passengers on the plane tomorrow, all of us were able to take showers this afternoon. From earlier blogs you know how special that is for us. Everyone has done a great job of packing as much as possible into their carry-ons. At our final junta we talked about our return trip. I’m sure everything will go smoothly.

We’ll see all of you at the airport!


  1. Julie and everyone,
    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow in Omaha.
    Take care and have a good flight. Love you.

  2. Bailee - We can't wait to see you tonight. We love you!

  3. Julie
    F.J. and I will be at the airport in Omaha for Snugglebunny Easter Hugs (possibly chocolate also) love you bunches, Mom and F.J.
