Francis Seivert greets assessment team in Montaña de la Flor

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Breaking Through the Boulders!

Hello Everyone. This is Mary, Barb and Katie. Today…..another day of digging in paradise. Fortunately it wasn’t on a hillside this time. But to compensate for that instead of digging dirt we were chipping away at rock with pickaxes. Dynamite and jack hammers will be included on our supply list for next year!! The Honduran children were out of school today and were there to greet us and lend a helping hand. We visited the homes of two handicapped children. The first was Brian Edwardo, a three year old child who can’t talk and has never been able to walk. The last team had a doctor on their team and took a look at him. He thought that with some physical therapy he would be able to develop his muscles so that he would be able to walk. We brought him a bouncy seat to hang from their rafters and a stroller to help the family get him around. The second was the home of a woman named Jeimy who had a 2 year old daughter named Teslla with what appears to be cerebral palsy and a 4 year old son Johan who has Downs Syndrome and is 8 months pregnant with twins. We brought her some formula for the little girl and are preparing a bag of items to try and help ease her burden. She will deliver her twins at a hospital in a large community, which is a blessing. Frank, our guide and our connection to these people, is going to track her progress and keep us posted. This along with several other children has REALLY tugged at our heart strings

More observations about your wonderful children:

Lauryn W.—Lauryn’s training has begun. The children love her!! She will be another of the famous Weber/Halter teachers. Becky and Carole watch out!!

Elizabeth—Thank you God for sending a seamstress with our team. Derek completely blew out a seam down the leg of his jean and she was able to put him back together again.

Michelle—She graced us with her beautiful voice daily as we’ve journeyed to our work site. And once there she rarely takes a break. Fr. Mark has nick named her the beast 

Sarah—There has been nothing that Sarah hasn’t loved. In fact she now wants to move here. Sorry Mom and Dad!!

Ethan—He is our team mountain goat. He has managed to go where no human has gone before. And survived wonderfully. We are blessed to have him with us.

Connor—The pila—the human driven washing machine—got heavy use last night. We thought we’d try and clean our travel clothes so we don’t clear the plane when we board. Connor even stated he enjoyed doing his laundry that way. Bye bye Maytag!!

Kfal—She has now earned the nickname C4. You should have seen the boulder she pulverized today. Impressive to say the least!!

To be continued…..

Love to All!!!!


  1. Hi Mission Team,

    While all of you were slaving away in Vallecillo today, I was sleeping in. I then did a few projects, went to visit my granddaughter and her parents, then I took ANOTHER nap. Obviously, I was exhausted. However, I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to work with all of you.

    Liam & Katie – You did everything I asked of you and more. I am so thankful that I had the chance to work with both of you again. You were the perfect student leaders for this group!

    Francis – I know I can always count on you to get us everywhere we want to go, even if it’s an extra trip for me into the airport on that rotten road.

    Linda & Sr. Juanita – I can never say enough about you. You make my life much less complicated with all the help you give me and all the mission groups that travel into Honduras.

    Mary, Katie, Fr. Mark, Barb, Dan, and Bill – Your school could not have had a better adult chaperone team than the six of you. I enjoyed working with all of you and hope this is not the last time I will be seeing you. A reunion visit in Le Mars or Rapid City would be wonderful this summer. (Mary, Just so you know: Seivert and I actually discussed the possibility of more mission teams for next year as we drove home from Omaha last night. Keep praying!)

    St. Thomas More Mission Team – What a super team you are! As I stated at my final junta with you, it was great to watch you progress in your mission work. You supported each other; praised each other, worked your hearts out; played with little children and had them following you down the road like the Pied Piper; encouraged each other; and prayed for each other and the Hondurans. By now I know you’ve realized that your mission is not drawing to a close, but it’s actually JUST BEGINNING. You done good!!! Now go out and spread the word!!!

    ~ Carolyn

  2. Barb and team,
    Your Wisconsin family is following your blog and
    is truly amazed by your hard work, dedication, and
    love for the Honduran people. So sorry that Jeremy could not meet up with you. Can hardly wait to talk to you when you get back and hear your stories. Praying for all of you.

  3. It is so amazing to hear how busy your days are for you. Connor, I will have to break out my grandmother's wash board for you when you get back. Isn't it amazing how the Holy Spirit is taking care of everyone and allowing their talents to touch everyone there in Honduras and each other on the team!?! I can tell everyone is looking on the positive side of this awesome experience. We are wishing you a great Sunday and look forward to hearing from you again on the blog. Mom
    Con, I'm doing laundry right now but you have way too much to do it by hand!! I hope your Spanish is coming along with the immersion in Honduras. Have a great and holy Sunday and work hard next week to accomplish as much as possible before you leave. God be with all of you.

  4. Hey you guys! Senior religion students had an opportunity to be in "solidarity" with the less fortunate: they could experience and then report on: either taking a cold shower, sleeping on the floor or eating a bread/water meal, done in a spirit of sacrifice and prayer. Of course, the poor have no option. We're so far removed from the suffering, but we're with you : Let's remember each other at Mass on the Lord's day, thousands of miles apart, but one in HIS BODY!

    Much love and prayers, Fr. Jim

    p.s. LORD, WHEN YOU CAME TO THE SEASHORE.... (hum the rest!)

  5. . Lord, when you came to the seashore you weren't seeking the wise or the wealthy, but only asking that I might follow.

    REFRAIN (English): O Lord, in my eyes you were gazing, Kindly smiling, my name you were saying; All I treasured, I have left on the sand there; Close to you, I will find other seas.

    REFRAIN (Spanish): Señor me has mirado a los ojos, sonriendo has dicho mi nombre, en la rena he dejado mi barca, junto a ti buscaré otro mar.

    2. Lord, you knew what my boat carried: neither money nor weapons for fighting, but nets for fishing my daily labor. (REFRAIN)

    3. Lord, have you need of my labor, hands for service, a heart made for loving, my arms for lifting the poor and broken? (REFRAIN)

    4. Lord, send me where you would have me, to a village, or heart of the city; I will remember that you are with me. (REFRAIN)

    Got ya covered,
    Theresa K.
